"ESP" is short for extra-sensory perception. As the name implies, it suggests that you are able to gain knowledge of things and events outside of yourself, and without using your five "normal" senses: taste, touch, sight, hearing, or smell. Having ESP is also known as possessing psychic abilities. As a reminder, you scored as being most psychic in the area of Telepathy.
There are two ways that your ESP can be determined; Tickle's ESP Test uses them both. The first way Tickle tests psychic ability is by objective analysis. It's called "objective" because objective questions have a right answer to them. For instance, the question, "One of Tickle's employees has a dog. What is its name?" is an objective question. There is only one right answer to it.
On an ESP test, one potential downside of objective questions is that they can sometimes be biased. You might be drawn to give one answer over another based on your own personal experiences or by taking an educated guess. However, even with this bias, an objective score still acts as a good measure of how psychic you're likely to be. If you had no psychic ability at all, you'd theoretically have answered about 6 of the 27 objective questions right. Instead, Tickle found that you answered 22 of them right. This means that you got more of them correct than what would be expected by chance, which indicates that you're relatively more likely to possess unusual psychic talent.
The other way to measure psychic ability is to ask about particular experiences common to those who have unusually high psychic powers. These are called subjective questions because they rely on your ability to recall your own experiences from your perspective. Based on the ESP Test's subjective questions, it appears that at this time you have very strong psychic abilities.
To arrive at your overall ESP score, Tickle's experts combined both types of questions: the objective and subjective. They also examined your abilities in five varieties of ESP. Their analysis included: how well you do at looking into what has occurred in the past (retrocognition), being able to "see" the unknown (clairvoyance), looking into the future (precognition), viewing physical objects from a distance (remote viewing), and being able to tune into others' thoughts (telepathy). To determine your overall psychic ability, they combined all of these skills together to arrive at a composite score. In the sections that follow, you'll find a detailed analysis of your scores on each variety of ESP. Note that your results have been reported relative to how other test takers scored. Because everyone is somewhat psychic, you would have had to score more highly than others did to be considered highly psychic.
Your overall score
Overall, you scored 99 out of 100, meaning that you scored higher than 99% of people who took the ESP Test.
Your clairvoyance score
Overall, you scored 99 out of 100, meaning that you scored higher on clairvoyance than 99% of people who took the ESP Test.
Your telepathy score
Overall, on telepathy you scored 99 out of 100, meaning that you scored higher than 99% of people who took the ESP Test.
Your retrocognition score
Overall, you scored 97 out of 100, meaning that you scored higher on retrocognition than 97% of people who took the ESP Test.
Your remote viewing score
Overall, you scored 99 out of 100 on remote viewing, meaning that you scored higher than 99% of people who took the ESP Test.
