Firstly, I would like to mention that I am not a card reader where, this ability was inherited, a grandmother had given to me reading the card in my childhood taught, or a heavy fate with me the night a clairvoyance eye opened.
My way to card reading and the interest in precognition began that I have with my 10-year stay in the United States, almost by Zu-Fall on the topic of New Age spot. First was my interest in the pyramid-Energy awakened, which I very many experiments and tests performed, and to my surprise even successful.
Then followed point by point other issues in the area of New Age, as the hand reading and the possibilities for assistance from this issue may result.
Moreover, my studies in the following subjects, such as: the telepathy, healing with stones, ASW (extra sensory perception), I am especially devoted to Tarot cards, and their statements opportunities, at the psychological level, and the reappraisal of recent events , we humans have just pushed us and on our life only further hamper.
Again, I have many friends and acquaintances experiments performed and the results were very convincing to me. Through my years of experience and the feedback of advice, I would like my capabilities to an even larger audience available.
Moreover, I believe that the future show just showing our fate, so that what will come. However, the man (presumably) with its own will on the future can influence the course, he is basically in the course of this situation (ie, what actually is) to change, both negative and positive.
On the other hand, I have seen time and again, however, conscious that influence the outcome could not change. Although the course was changed, but not the results!
Hans Fredrich
* * * *
As Präkognition refers to a form of pre-vision or the prediction of an event or item from the future, some of the Hell's wedding and soothsayers allegedly capable, without any rational knowledge at the time of foresight would have available.
Through many years of experience in the card and insert fortunetelling I show you your future and give you honest answers to your questions. The high hit rates, I see a commitment to continue at this level for you to operate.
We thank you for understanding that nobody is in a position to each caller the future 100% record, even if you have from other sources such promises were made. Even-and especially the time most of this information is subject to variation.
Therefore, you should not push real-time data. The danger that the enormous expectations of structure and the prediction solely on this specific time is subject to, unfortunately, is very large and often leads to disappointment.
Thinking is exactly why, if you have questions about the exact arrival time really want.
Phone +49 1520 1858 152
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